Thursday, October 15, 2009

Milestones and Big Diamond Rings (not for me)

I still can not believe that my best friend in the entire world is engaged. ENGAGED. Even typing the word is weird. I just about crashed my car last night when I saw her text. How exciting. I guess I knew it was coming, there were subtle (and not so subtle) hints along the way, like her boyfriend asking her Dad's permission...I just thought he was taking care of it for later. In my mind it was going to be way later. I met Amy in 8th grade, or that is when we really bonded, at a concert, and we never looked back. We have done all of our important growing together, high school, boys, college, and now life after college. And now she is engaged. WOW. It is going to take me a while to get used to this. CONGRATS you.

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